Is flying safe? (Yes, it is)
Published 30.12.22 by

Are you going to fly soon, and are asking yourself "Is flying safe?" If so, you are not alone. Many people experience fear of flying, also known as aviophobia. While it is natural to have some concerns about flying, it is important to remember that flying is one of the safest modes of transportation available. In this article, we will address some common concerns about flying and provide tips for overcoming fear of flying. We will also highlight the numerous safety measures in place on commercial flights to ensure the safety of passengers.

Is flying safe?

Flying is the safest mode of transportation available. According to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the probability of a passenger being involved in a fatal aviation accident is about 1 in 1.2 million flights, while the chanche of dying in that crash is 1 in 11 million flights1. This is because planes are designed and built with safety in mind and are subject to rigorous inspections and maintenance. In addition, pilots undergo extensive training and must meet strict certification requirements before they are allowed to fly a plane. You can rest assured that every possible incident has been trained for by the crew.

For comparison: The chanche to die in a car crash in 2020 was 1 in 85272.

Do pilots fear turbulence?

Turbulence can be uncomfortable, but it is not dangerous. Pilots are trained to handle turbulence and know that it is a normal part of flying. In fact, pilots often encounter turbulence when flying through clouds, and they are trained to navigate through it safely. While it may be unsettling for passengers, turbulence is not a cause for concern for pilots or the aircraft, which are able to handle truly extreme circumstances. During cruise, pilots will avoid the worst of turbulence if possible.

Is flying at night or day safer?

B737 landing in Hamburg at night

There is no difference in safety between flying during the day and at night. Planes are equipped with sophisticated navigation systems and lighting that allow pilots to safely fly in any lighting conditions. Pilots and ATC are also trained to fly with minimal instruments. For instance, ATC would be able to guide an aircraft to the runway if necessary. Pilots also have maps in their cockpit - the digital version in their Flight Displays but also back up maps, which are sometimes in special software in another device like a laptop or an iPad, or is physically printed onto a piece of paper.

How can I not be scared of flying?

If you are afraid of flying, you are not alone. Many people experience fear of flying, also known as aviophobia. Here are a few tips that may help you feel more comfortable when flying:

  • Educate yourself about flying: Understanding how planes work and the safety measures in place can help reduce your anxiety.
  • Talk to a professional: A therapist or counselor with expertise in treating aviophobia can help you develop coping strategies and techniques to manage your fear.
  • Consider using relaxation techniques: Deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and visualization are all techniques that can help you relax during a flight.

When should you avoid flying (medically)?

There are some medical conditions that may make flying risky for some individuals. This does not make it impossible to fly - crew are always trained in first aid and are able to at least stabilize most emergencies that may happen on a plane. If you have a medical condition that may affect your ability to fly, it is important to consult with your doctor before booking a flight. Some medical conditions that may make flying unsafe include:

  • Uncontrolled high blood pressure
  • Recent surgery or serious injury
  • Heart conditions, such as angina or recent heart attack
  • Certain respiratory conditions, such as asthma or emphysema

If you have any concerns about your ability to fly, you should consult with your doctor before booking a flight.

Safety Measures in Place on Commercial Flights

A pilot going through a checklist

In addition to the rigorous inspections and maintenance that planes undergo, there are also numerous safety measures in place on commercial flights to ensure the safety of passengers. These measures include:

  • Multiple layers of redundant systems: Planes are equipped with multiple layers of redundant systems, such as backup engines and navigation systems, to ensure that the plane can safely land even if one system fails.
  • Pre-flight checks: Pilots and crew members go through a thorough pre-flight check to ensure that all systems are functioning properly before takeoff.
  • Emergency procedures: Pilots and crew members are trained in emergency procedures and are prepared to handle any situation that may arise during a flight.
  • Safety equipment: Planes are equipped with safety equipment, such as oxygen masks and emergency exits, to ensure the safety of passengers in the event of an emergency.
  • Checklists: Pilots will always utilize checklists which help streamline the operations. They also provide maximum safety since they are based on things learned from past incidents and testing.


In conclusion, flying is a safe mode of transportation, and there are numerous measures in place to ensure the safety of passengers. If you are planning a trip and want to find the best flights at the best prices, consider using Find A Flight to book your flights. With Find A Flight, you can easily compare prices from multiple airlines and choose the option that works best for you. So if you want to make your travel planning process as smooth and stress-free as possible, consider using Find A Flight to book your next trip. So, there is no need to be scared of flying. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy your flight.

The Benefits of Using Find A Flight

Find A Flight is a platform that helps you find the best flights at the best prices. With Find A Flight, you can easily compare prices from multiple airlines and choose the option that works best for you. In addition, Find A Flight offers a variety of tools and resources to help you plan your trip, including destination guides, travel tips, and more.

Using Find A Flight to book your flights can provide you with peace of mind knowing that you are getting the best deal. Plus, with Find A Flight, you can easily book your flights, hotels, and car rentals all in one place, making it easier to plan your trip. So if you want to make your travel planning process as smooth and stress-free as possible, consider using Find A Flight to book your next trip.


1 Flight Statistics
2 Car Crash Statistics

Images in this post

B737 landing in Hamburg at night via
A pilot going through a checklist via
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